
Picture: CargoBeamer
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CargoBeamer AG®

CargoBeamer appoints Tilman Apitzsch as Managing Director Intermodal Operations

Manager responsible for newly created Business Solutions division

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CargoBeamer AG®

CargoBeamer in Calais – A milestone on the road towards greater environmental protection in goods transportation within Europe

Calais is the most important logistics hub between the United Kingdom and Europe. Every day, around 8,000 semi-trailers make the trip over the Channel by ferry or through the Channel Tunnel, and this

CargoBeamer AG®

1000 times CargoBeamer-Alpin

Kaldenkirchen, 23 March. For the 1000th time the "CargoBeamer Alpin" train is running between Domodossola in Italy and Kaldenkirchen near Venlo on the German-Dutch border.


Tim Krause

Communications & Marketing Manager
+49 171 3312918