Picture: CargoBeamer

Press images

Here you can find pictures of CargoBeamer AG which are available for download. Please note that we allow the usage of the footage for editorial purposes only. Any other kind of distrubution requires the approval of CargoBeamer AG. If you need further content please contact us. Before using one of the pictures we kindly ask you to send a short message to presse@cargobeamer.com.

In case of publishing some of the pictures please mention "CargoBeamer AG" for copyright terms.

CargoBeamer train on tracks (Switzerland)
Horizontal loading of semi-trailers with CargoBeamer technology
Loading basket next to CargoBeamer railcar
Pre-loading a semi-trailer onto the loading basket
Loading process in the CargoBeamer terminal
CargoBeamer train on tracks (Germany)
CargoBeamer terminal in Calais, France
CargoBeamer train on tracks (Germany)


Tim Krause

Communications & Marketing Manager
+49 171 3312918