International Transport Forum technical tour to CargoBeamer AG Leipzig
Leipzig: Today one of the ITF Technical Tour Visitors group attended the technical demonstration of CargoBeamer intermodal logistic system at the terminal development site at Leipzig.
Innovative rail wagons and automated loading terminal technology meets the challenge to make today's standard road semi-trailers compatible to rail transport.
A key challenge for European transport policy is to transform the increasing road freight transport volumes based on Diesel trucks into sustainable and environmentally friendly transport modes.
Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) make up almost 70% of road transport in Europe and are the most common means of freight transport; however these vehicles are not compatible with conventional intermodal operations such as crane technology.
CargoBeamer’s solution is an innovative approach to handle unaccompanied rail-freight transport of all road-trailers on specifically designed rail-wagons.
Standard-Road-trailer can be loaded either in automated CargoBeamer terminals or by using conventional crane technology.
The CargoBeamer Technical Tour showcased this innovative system to Summit participants at Leipzig today - automated, parallel horizontal loading of standard road trailers onto rail wagons.
Participants from several countries around the world, including Australia, China, the United States and several European countries took part in the tour, giving excellent questions and feedback.
CargoBeamer AG is a logistics service provider involving a unique system for unaccompanied combined freight transport. The company offers transport solutions for all semi-trailers on special wagons that are handled either in automated terminals or handled with conventional cranes and transferred to rail. Unlike using cranes, all types of semi-trailers without any technical modifications can be received and loaded horizontally. Thanks to its fully automated, parallel and cost-effective handling system CargoBeamer has the potential to revolutionize the freighting industry. The company is based in Leipzig.

Tim Krause
Communications & Marketing Manager
+49 171 3312918